Saturday, 3 October 2020

BY NIGHT'S END (full review at Screen Realm)

Heather (Michelle Rose) and Mark (Kurt Yue) have just moved into a new house, following the loss of their daughter. Michelle is a former army sergeant, working a job she dislikes, and Mark is unemployed and their financial situation is strained. They awake in the middle of the night to find themselves confronted by a home invader, who promises them $10,000 if they let him go. Predictably, you just can’t trust burglars these days, and in an ensuing struggle Michelle shoots him dead.

Mindful of their precarious finances, Mark concludes there must be money hidden somewhere within the house and suggests they withhold calling the police for an hour in order to search for it.  Duly convinced, Heather and Mark set about searching their new property until an accidental discovery reveals the home invader was not alone and they are trapped inside by his accomplice, Moody (Michael Aaron Milligan), who is not prepared to walk away.

Read the full review at Screen Realm:

IMDB: By Night's End

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