Amat Escalante’s The Untamed, aka La Región Salvaje (The Wild Region), is an unusual blend of social realism and Lovecraftian tentacle horror that sounds almost absurd when surmised aloud. Yet it is a unique movie, both original and compelling, which you certainly won’t forget it in a hurry.
Alejandra (Ruth Ramos) is trapped in an unhappy marriage to Ángel (Jesús Meza), who is angry and bad tempered and, as it turns out, having an affair with her brother Fabián (Eden Villavicencio). Fabián is wracked with guilt for betraying his sister, while Ángel’s self-loathing boils over with increasingly nasty displays of homophobia and aggression.
In the countryside, just outside of town, an older couple is keeping an extra-terrestrial creature in their barn. Verónica (Simone Bucio) visits the barn to have sex with the creature (yes, you read that correctly, I said you won’t forget this film). However, the alien becomes increasingly violent and in their most recent encounter Verónica is badly injured.